Apex Magazine, Celebrating change makers in direct care, a community initiative by Health Compiler.

Harnessing DATA to enhance value and foster the GROWTH of direct primary care and self-funded plans

Unlocking Insights, Driving Growth & Building Harmony in Workflows

Products & Solutions

Access Data

Present Insights

Enable Actions

Elevating DPC practices with a suite of tailored digital solutions and marketing services. Whether you're an individual practice, part of a network, a benefits advisor or a local employer partnered with DPC practices, discover how our DPC software solutions can transform your healthcare delivery and management.

Direct Primary Care (DPC) Solutions

Strategy & Design

Enable Campaigns

Gather Data & Optimize

What Our User Say

"Before Health Compiler, compiling these metrics was a manual and time-consuming process. Now, everything is captured automatically, and employers can access a dashboard with these metrics anytime."

Dr. Ken Rictor

Genovo Health

Dr. William Burkhart Upholding a Legacy of Compassionate Care

Dr. William Burkhart hails from Knoxville, Tennessee, and embodies a rich legacy of primary care. His journey into medicine is deeply entrenched in family tradition...


Direct Primary Care (DPC): Personalized care, No Insurance, Affordable Pricing

Reimagined Healthcare Delivery Through Accessible, Personalized, and Transparent Services


How to DPC?

A guide for initiating and expanding your Direct primary care practice.

A Community initiative by Health Compiler

Go to APEX

Celebrating leadership in Direct Care,

Human Capital, Benefit Advisory and beyond...

15 Oct, 2024
Explore the impact of health data in Direct Primary Care. Discover how seamless data integration enhances patient care and decision-making in healthcare.
08 Oct, 2024
Explore innovative quality measures in Direct Primary Care using patient surveys to enhance care, improve outcomes, and focus on patient-centered health.
16 Sep, 2024
Key insights from RosettaFest 2024: Direct Primary Care, self-funded plans, healthcare reform, ethics, technology’s role, and transforming patient outcomes.

Let Health Compiler do the heavy lifting, so you can focus on what you do best — providing exceptional Direct Care

Unveil the value of your services and free yourself from the manual effort of reporting

Ready to enhance your practice's efficiency and growth? Connect with us today.

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